So I was talking to my sister the other day...and she didn't even know that had this new blog. We were talking about her blog...well about her birthday and how she doesn't have any pictures of her last birthday....and she posted that on her blog and I read it...and she was amazed.
"You read my Blog",
"why yes I do, if you go to my blog there is actually a link to your blog"
" Oh really?! I didn't know that, I haven't been to your blog since you go back from Africa"
"Well I started a new blog"
"Really? I didn't even know you had a new blog"
"Sigh, I do. You should read it sometime."
So hopefully she will come read this a feel bad! Ha ha ha.
Anyway I was going to say something profound in this blog post, but I forgot what it was....
Hmmm, I will think about it.
Ha ha! I remember...well kinda, I have something else to say.
I got a new calling....I am now the co-chair for the
FHE council.
I have mixed feelings about this. I never have really gone to
FHE, because I am not the biggest fan...I live with my family, so family night is spent, well with my family. But I know the Lord is testing me,
hee hee....So pray for me, (whoever reads this).
So this is going to be a random blog post....
But I have also decided that I love, love, love Hockey! I got hooked on it about 2
ish years ago when Dani was dating Clayton, they are now married, but Clayton played on a team and I would go with Dani to watch...Then I became friends with Paul another guy on the team, he was also in the singles ward...He is now my one link to I am not just a creeper who goes to random games...but I love it. Who watched the US, Canada game yesterday!? Oh I did! Amazing, too bad the US lost, but what a come back, eh, 25 seconds left in the game and they tied it up. Sweet! I love the Olympics...sad that they are over.
Also Tom and Brody have found my celebrity look alike...Well really Nicole found it first....we watched the movie "The Baxter" like 4 months ago and Brody, Tom's best friend went and saw "Shutter Island"...and apparently I look just like Michelle Williams.
She was engaged to Heath Ledger, they have a daughter together.
So you make the call.....

Does it look like me?
I know random Post but just my random thoughts from today....
Oh and some of you who read this, might be thinking who is Tom and Brody?
Tom is a dude that I am causally dating...I think...I don't know. He is a really awesome dude, that I really like. And Brody is his best friend.
So there you go. A glimpse into the mind of Leah Jones.