"You read my Blog",
"why yes I do, if you go to my blog there is actually a link to your blog"
" Oh really?! I didn't know that, I haven't been to your blog since you go back from Africa"
"Well I started a new blog"
"Really? I didn't even know you had a new blog"
"Sigh, I do. You should read it sometime."
So hopefully she will come read this a feel bad! Ha ha ha.
Anyway I was going to say something profound in this blog post, but I forgot what it was....
Hmmm, I will think about it.
Ha ha! I remember...well kinda, I have something else to say.
I got a new calling....I am now the co-chair for the FHE council.
I have mixed feelings about this. I never have really gone to FHE, because I am not the biggest fan...I live with my family, so family night is spent, well with my family. But I know the Lord is testing me, hee hee....So pray for me, (whoever reads this).
So this is going to be a random blog post....
But I have also decided that I love, love, love Hockey! I got hooked on it about 2ish years ago when Dani was dating Clayton, they are now married, but Clayton played on a team and I would go with Dani to watch...Then I became friends with Paul another guy on the team, he was also in the singles ward...He is now my one link to hockey...so I am not just a creeper who goes to random games...but I love it. Who watched the US, Canada game yesterday!? Oh I did! Amazing, too bad the US lost, but what a come back, eh, 25 seconds left in the game and they tied it up. Sweet! I love the Olympics...sad that they are over.
Also Tom and Brody have found my celebrity look alike...Well really Nicole found it first....we watched the movie "The Baxter" like 4 months ago and Brody, Tom's best friend went and saw "Shutter Island"...and apparently I look just like Michelle Williams.
She was engaged to Heath Ledger, they have a daughter together.
So you make the call.....
Does it look like me?
I know random Post but just my random thoughts from today....
Oh and some of you who read this, might be thinking who is Tom and Brody?
Tom is a dude that I am causally dating...I think...I don't know. He is a really awesome dude, that I really like. And Brody is his best friend.
So there you go. A glimpse into the mind of Leah Jones.
So I do read your blog. Now that I know that it exists! Love you!