So Wednesday night...or really early Thursday morning I went and saw Avatar: The Last Airbender. I was super excited. I an a huge nerd, if you haven't figured that out yet; I have watched all of the Cartoons...and I am not ashamed to say that I love them. Ike got me, and the rest of the Fam, hooked. Anyway I as I was saying I was excited to see it, but a little weary. M. Night Shyamalan is NOT my favorite director, I mean who thought Lady is the Water was good? Or The Village. Or Signs? The only movie of his that I have liked was Unbreakable, but I think that was because it had Bruce Willis in it, and I just LOVE him....so any who....Another reason I was weary was the actors...mainly the actor that was going to be playing Sokka....the only other movie I have seen him in were the Twilight Movies...and you know how superb the acting is in those movies and he played Jasper...the stoic, awkward Cullen vampire...and Sokka is my Favorite. He is the comic relief. He is the brains. So I was super worried about how his character would be.....So I get the tickets and I am there at 11 waiting in line with my Family and new friend Kevin....We finally get into the theater...the movie starts....there is a lot of cheering and yelling when it comes on. I get all giddy and happy. Then Katara says Sokka's name WRONG...she says it Sue-ka, Really? Cringe...cringe...cringe.....then Aang comes in...and they say his name wrong too! On-gg? For Reals? It is a double "A" and you get "On"? That doesn't even make sense....weren't you ever taught the rule...when two vowels go walking the first one does the talking?...except double O's....or something like that....I mean with books you have a little leeway on how to pronounce names...but a cartoon. No. They say the names, so how can you say them wrong if you have seen the cartoons? It was just stupid. It was like they hadn't even watched the cartoons. And I don't understand that. If you are going to produce a movie based on a cartoon shouldn't you at least know the cartoon? Watched it? You would think, you would really think that should be the case. And I was right to be weary about Sokka. He was horrible. Bad, bad, bad. *Sigh*
But there were good points too...it wasn't a total loss...the Affects were cool. And I loved Zuko and his Uncle. Love them. Love the actors in the first place. Loved how they got the characters spot on.
So if you want to watch the Avatar: The Last Airbender, watch the cartoon...all three books are on Netflix instant play. THEY are good.
If you want to read another review...I love this blog and agree with a lot of the reviews made on it....
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