Monday, November 8, 2010

Path of Hot Men.

So the other day, I am pretty sure it was Oct. 30th (Mormon Halloween), my sister Bee and I were sitting at home, yes we sat at home on Halloween, I went to a party the day before and we had a ward party the monday before so I felt Halloween had been celebrated enough, so I was sitting at home watching movie after movie. I brought up 3 movies, Spiderman, Star Trek, and X-men. I had watched the first and was choosing the second. Both amazing movies. So I asked Bee which one she wanted to watch. Her choice was Star Trek. Her reason. Chris Pine is Hotter than Huge Jackman. That is were we got into a pretty heavy discussion about Hot Actors, because I agree that Chris Pine is Hot, I do not think he is Hotter than HUGE JACKMAN. So I asked who she thought was hotter....I said some actor and Chris Pine, and so on and so on, we went through, Channing Tatum, James Franco, Jake Gyllenhaal, Jonathan Rhys-Meyers, Will Smith, Zac Efron, Ryan Gosling, Heath Ledger, Christian Bale, Joseph Gordon-Levitt, and Russell Crowe. Then it came down to the last 2: 

Jude Law vs. Gerard Butler. 

There was really no way to decide who is hotter. I love Jude Law. Love him. But I also love Gerard Butler. They are both superb actors. They can do comedy, drama, action, romance. Gerard can sing amazing, but Jude sings too...although not a lot. I love PS I love you, How to train your Dragon and The Phantom of the Opera. And who doesn't love Jude in Gattaca, The Holiday, and Sherlock Holmes? And one of my all time favorite movies is Cold Mountain. They both have accents. One English, one Scottish. 
I think Bee decided that Gerard Butler was the hottest, because of his accent. And that is something you can't get around. If a guy started talking to me in a Scottish accent I would be a goner. 
But for now it is a tie. I love them both and can not choose who is more attractive. 

So on another note. I went out again with Mr. Marvelous on Saturday. We had a really good time. It was pretty simple. We just went to Zuppas, which I love, and then talked and talked and talked and talked. We both talk a lot, so we just went on and on and on. I invited him to come to I-kiek and Al-be's plays and I kinda invited myself to his sister's play that she is in. So we will see how it goes. ;) 


  1. The funniest thing about this post? It is geraRd Butler, not Gerald.

    And Jude Law totally wins.

  2. I totally just fixed it, why I had it spelled wrong I will never know.

  3. Dearest Leah.... you are the CUTEST!! i just love you SO much! this post totally made my day!! I want you to keep us updated on Mr. Marvelous!! ( i know that's not spelled right!) LOVE YA
