Friday, October 28, 2011

Hunger Games

So the Hunger Games. 
I am pretty Dang excited. 
They have some good actors. 
Jennifer Lawrence is brilliant in Winters Bone, I have it edited if you want to see for yourself.  
I watched The Last Song just so I could see Liam Hemsworth, he was alright, he had to say some stupid, mushy lines, but that wasn't his fault and he had to play opposite Hannah Montana. Also not his fault that she is horrible and all I could focus on was her snaggle tooth. 
Some I am hoping and trusting are good in their parts. I am optimistic. 

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

There is nothing like a little....

Say yes to the Dress to make me feel super depressed. But I couldn't stop watching it. It is on Netflix instant play, and I watched a whole season. And feel super depressed but oddly happy at the same time. Ha ha ha. All I needed was some of this.....

But I was too lazy to go to the store to get it. So I had a bowl of cereal instead. Fun Night.

Tuesday, August 23, 2011


So here is the situation with Handsome Ben.
We have texted back and forth. All very positive. He came to a banquet we had for our volunteers. That was last tuesday, the 16th. The last time we texted was on thursday. I had a stake activity that I invited him to but he couldn't come because he was working until late. So on sunday, I texted him asking how his weekend had been. Nothing. Then I texted him today asking if he had had lunch yet and if he wanted to come to JCW's. Nothing. So I don't know what happened. So I am taking a poll.


Monday, August 15, 2011

Holy Moley, it has been forever since I have done a real blog post. I haven't posted anything that was mine since May. Freakin MAY! I am a horrible person. So much has happened since then. Ok not that much, nothing too exciting or I would have blogged about it, but that might just be because I am more lazy then due to the fact that nothing really exciting has happened. Did that even make sense? Who knows. Anyway, the last few months, Let me there is too much, let me sum up.

  • My best friend Nicole got married in April.  Amazing, beautiful.
  • My other best friend moved again, and is Pregnant again. Very Very Exciting.
  • We did a tribute to the Fabulous Neil Johnson. It went off without a hitch and he was extremely surprised.
  • My wonderful friend Annie came and visited, and I ran into her unexpectedly at another friends play, the super talented Becca, as Anne in Anne Frank. 
  • Em and I threw a bachelorette party for above mentioned Nicole. It was Movie themed. It was the best bachelorette party utah county has ever seen. We had themed food, gifts, games. The whole nine yards. 
  • It was my five year reunion, I did not go. 

  • My older sister is prego with the first grandbaby. Due Sept. 12th. But she is about ready to pop. Woot, woot. 
  • My little sister and one of my little brothers got their mission calls: Richmond, VA and Accra, Ghana. Respectively.
  • They both went through the temple and I was able to go with them. Very spiritual.
  • My dear cousin passed away. I will miss her sweet spirit. 
  • We had family reunions on both sides. 

  • I went out on a date with a very nice guy named Logan, who is friends with my pal Brittany. 
  • I went out on a date with a very nice guy named Austin, who is friends with my pal Brittany. 
  • I went out on a date with a very nice guy named Josh, who is friends with my pal Brittany. 
  • I went out on a date with a very nice guy named Cameron, who is friends with my pal Krystal. 
  • All first dates. I will never get to a second date. I am where second dates go to die. 
  • I also met this amazingly beautiful and extremely nice guy named Ben. I am still working on a first date, to heck with even trying for a second date. 

  • I had 3 callings. 
  • Then for a very brief period I had only 2 callings! 
  • Then I had 4 callings. 
  • My singles ward went down to Gunlocke, just past St. George, for 3 days. It was super fun.
  • Then I was given a stake calling, which bumped my number up to 5. 
  • Then I got released from 3 callings, so now I currently have 2, Stake Activities Director and Sabbath Day Council Co-Chair.
  • Thursday is our first Stake Activity. I booked the show, the location and I will be Emceeing. 

  • Suzie was a bad car, so I traded her in for Maximus. Maximus is an 05 Subaru Impreza RS 2.5. Red, with tinted windows and a spoiler. He is awesome.He also brought me to Ben. He is the guy that sold me Maximus. (So side story. Suzie broke down again, so I took her in to be fixed, and I was with my mom because she wanted to go and take her car in to be looked at, so we drove down to what used to be Brent Brown in Provo, now it is Larry H. Miller. So as she was talking to the parts guys I said, I am going to go look around at the cars. I am casually strolling out to the cars, when this young attractive guy comes up and asks if I needed help. So 3 test drives and five hours later I got Maximus. I drove him home in glee. But only to find out he had a problem. His CD player didn't work. Luckily Ben called the next day to check up on how I was liking Max. I told him about the problem and he said he would get it taken care of. So a week later, after going in almost every day, which I didn't mind because I got to see Ben, Max's CD player was going to finally be fixed. So I brought it in at 9:30 before work. And Ben was there ready to take me to work. But he didn't tell me that it was his morning off, so he had come in early to take me to work. Then when Max was finished later that day, Ben came and picked me up at work to get him. So that is the story of Max and the very thoughtful Ben.Pretty great huh?)
  • I painted a painting. I really loved doing it and now I have a sweet painting in my office. 
  • I got new fish. Ender and Bean. And Jem and Scout. 

So that is pretty much the sum of what I have been up to the last few months. I probably forgot something, probably some really really important things, but what can you do? I have a bad memory.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Blog Post Sharing

So I don't know if you know of this blog. Single Dad Laughing. But it is one of my favorites. Today was an awesome post by Dan. I just needed to will see why.

Just a few thought that I loved, I get asked on a daily basisBy my mother, father, Sister and brother in Law, friends, the bishopric in my singles ward, my father, my aunt, people I meet on the street, seriously every person I talk to, the subject always comes up. What is wrong with that? Oh nothing, only that it makes me feel like crap the rest of the day.

Things You Should Never Say to a Single Person

Well, once again I asked you for some awesome material for a blog post,
and you delivered! The question I put on the Facebook Wall for today's 
post was, "What are the things people say to single people that are 
rude or ignorant?" A lot of awesome answers came through. 
Enjoy (along with my own and some of your slightly snarky retorts).
  • So, why are you single?
    Ummm, maybe because I don't shower and I hate puppies. 
    (I love this one, I get asked it all of the time, seriously. 
    I have stopped trying to be nice about it, when it get 
    asked it 3 times is one night you just want to burst into tears)
  • Just have fun with it!
    Thank you. You've just solved all my problems. I was
    purposefully NOT having fun with it.
  • Have you tried online dating? didn't work so I guess my next move is Craigslist.
  • It just wasn't meant to be.
    Thank you. I've been hoping to find somebody who knows 
    the complete plans of the universe. So tell me, all knowing, 
    who IS meant to be?
  • It will happen when you least expect it.
    How can I expect it less than never? (also another one 
    that I get a lot, and I have to agree, How can I expect 
    it less than never?)
  • There are plenty of fish in the sea.
    Thank you for rubbing my nose in my inability to get any of them.
  • You're just too picky.
    So, you're saying I should settle? (My families personal favorite.
     Everyday I tell you, every day. Maybe I should settle for they guy 
    that doesn't treat me well, or someone I don't get a long with at 
    all or that I am not attracted to...that would make me happy right?)
  • Are you kidding? I wish I was single and in your shoes.
    Poor baby.
  • You're so attractive! What seems to be the problem?
    How do I answer this without making you or me look like a jerk? 
    (Yep, you guessed it. Also one I get all of the time. This one 
    always makes me feel prettier, especially when a 50+ old 
    man is saying it to me.)
  • Maybe you're not trying hard enough. 
    Oooooh. That must be it. I think what you're really saying is
    that I'm not easy enough. (Ha ha ha ha ha ha. According to 
    quite a few people, I do not try hard enough)
  • He just hasn't found you yet.
    Oh, well, then I guess I'll stop looking and wait for him to
     come to me!
  • When are you going to get married?
    When are you going to let me kick you in the teeth?
    (Never, now leave me alone)
  • There  are so many great guys/girls out there.
    So, are you saying that I'm not one of them since they're 
    so readily abundant and I'm still alone?
  • I'm sorry.
    For what? Making me feel like a piece of crap?
  • You'll be complete some day.
    Yes, because I'm so incomplete now. Thank you.
  • You'll always be single until you fix yourself up.
    Meaning... I have to be someone other than me?
  • At least you don't have any responsibilities.
    At least you don't have any tact.
  • You're not getting any younger!
    And you're not getting anything in my will. 
  • Oh, you're the unmarried one.
    Oh, you're the one with a ridiculously large forehead. 
  • Are you gay?
    If I told you I was, would you get off my back?
  • You're too skinny.
    You're too fat. Let's hug and pretend we don't despise each other.
    (Every day for the last month)
  • It must be so nice to be single.
    It must be so nice to be stupid. (Ha ha ha ha!)
  • You know, your biological clock is ticking.
    Thank you for the reminder. So is yours, which means a 
    drop kick to your face won't heal as quickly.
  • Come on won't be a third wheel!
    Well, I wasn't going to feel that way before, but now...
  • Beggars can't be choosers.
    So, I'm officially at beggar status. Please sir... can 
    you spare a girlfriend for a guy down on his luck?
  • Your self confidence scares guys off.
    I think you're onto something. I'll start acting like 
    a pushover doormat. That'll bring me the right kind of guy. 
    (I have also been told that I scare guys off, but who
     whats a guy that can't keep up with me?)
  • Dan Pearce, Single Dad Laughing"

Friday, May 27, 2011

Harry Potter, Harry Potter. What else can I say. I love it.

And I love this video.

And this poster.

And I found this video. Mmmm. Love.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Mothers Day Food

So I am sure like most of you, you make your mother breakfast in bed on mothers day, or you did. Well because I still live with my parents I still do. This year I made Crème brĂ»lĂ©e French toast. It was super yummy, I found the recipe on one of the many blogs that I follow. I wish I had a picture to share because it look as awesome as it tasted. So that was breakfast. Dinner was a deer roast, with potatoes and carrots. Steamed asparagus and corn pudding. It was very colorful and yummy. The corn pudding was good, too much onion so I know only to do half of one the next time I make it. Then for dessert at my mothers request it was sweet waffles with strawberries and whipped cream. It was a very yummy mothers day. I love you mommy! 

The longest day of my life

So pretty sure Saturday was the longest day of my life. And I have had some pretty long days, ex: 12 hour layover in London, day 'o hell tech runs for plays, but this on topped them all for some reason. I made the mistake of staying out late the night before...I went and saw a movie and got home way past my beloved bed time. So I was of course tired when I had to get up and go the next morning. So this is how the day went.
8:00 am Rehearsal for Mr. Johnson's ten year tribute. This thing had been in the works for over a year. And Saturday was finally the day it was all going down.
So we went through some things at AF High School. Then my co-worker called me kinda really freaking out because she couldn't get the lights to turn on in the training building. So I was going to run home and find all of the lamps that I could, stuff my car with them and head to the rescue, but it was not needed. She touched a button that said "DO NOT TOUCH" and the lights turned on!
9:20 am leave the rehearsal to drive to training in Orem. I had to stop to get gas in my car. I make it to Orem. We are training new volunteers for CASA. Everyone should be a CASA. You should, and you should and you too. Yes. Yes, you should ask be about it! Anyway. We are on the 3rd floor of the building, and you have to have a key card to make the elevator so I waited at the bottom and let people in and then let them up to the 3rd floor. So the training went from 10am to 3pm. Long. It was pretty good. It would have been better if we didn't have a few crazies in the class. One girl I really want to punch. She has been very disrespectful and she asks the most off topic questions. Then another girl kinda feeds of her crazy and they go on and on to the point were I want to poke my own eyes out. Ok not really but I did have to get up and leave the room a couple of times so I didn't say anything really rude. My co-worker is more patient and better at handling the situation than I am so she did great, but you could tell it was wearing everyone down.
Ok so after training, we get everything cleaned up and packed up and hope that we don't get in trouble for pushing the DO NOT TOUCH button.
I then run home, change my clothes into something I can "dance" in. So jeans, a t-shirts and tennies.
Then I had to pick up a gift for the cute little boy and girl who's father we were celebrating. So off to wal-mart. I had no idea what to get so I got way more than needed but it ended up being really cute. So then to my Friend Nicole's parents house to put it all together. By this time I was starving. So I stopped to get something to eat on the way to Lehi High School for the performance. I forgot to mention that I had frantically been listening to the songs I was suppose to sing because I has been a million years since I have performed them so pretty sure I forgot all of the words. So I was freaking out a little bit because I didn't know what I was suppose to do. They went through the staging for our song after I had left that morning. So I quickly went through it when I got to Lehi. So the next hour consisted of running around helping get everything set up, running through the songs in my head, and the best part talking to people I haven't seen in a million years.

It was amazing to see all of these people that I didn't realize I missed until they came up and gave me a hug.

So as all of this is going on I am rapidly developing a massive headache.

So 6:30pm. Mr. Neal Johnson walks into the biggest surprise of his life, an auditorium full of people there to thank and celebrate him and his ten years of teaching. The look on his face was priceless.

Each year got up and did their presentation. It all went beautifully. I did remember the words, for the most part. And had so much fun! All laughed, cried and remembered together. It was an amazing night.

Then the real fun came. Mingling and catching up with wonderful people. Michelle, Scott, Jackie, Mindy, Sam, Kaitlyn, Skyler, Krystyna (I am half way there for this week, ha ha ha), Mark, Annie, many people! I loved being able to talk to Korianne and J. They were the reason we were all there and I was so glad we could do this little thing for them.

So by the end of the night my spirit had been filled with happiness, but my head was pounding and I felt like throwing up. So I headed out early with my brother and went home to bed.

It was so busy. So amazingly long. But the people made it the best.

Monday, April 25, 2011

I melt when I hear these lyrics.

We'll I've been...
saved by a woman
I've been...
saved by a woman
I've been...
saved by a woman
She won't let me go
She won't let me go now
She won't let me go
She won't let me go now

I guess you don't need it
I guess you don't want me to repeat it
But everything I have to give I'll give to you
It's not like we planned it
You tried to stay, but you could not stand it
To see me shut down slow
as though it was an easy thing to do
Listen when
All of this around us'll fall over
I tell you what we're gonna do
You will shelter me my love
And I will shelter you
I will shelter you
I left you heartbroken, but not until those very words were spoken
Has anybody ever made such a fool out of you
It's hard to believe it
Even as my eyes do see it
The very things that make you live are killing you
Listen when all of this around us'll fall over
I tell you what we're gonna do
You will shelter me my love
I will shelter you
Listen when
All of this around us'll fall over
I tell you what we're gonna do
Hey you will shelter me my love
I will shelter you
If you shelter me too
I will shelter you
I will shelter you 

When you came to me with your bad dreams and your fears
It was easy to see that you'd been crying
Seems like everywhere you turn catastrophe it reigns
But who really profits from the dying
I could hold you in my arms
I could hold you forever
I could hold you in my arms
I could hold you in my arms forever

When you kissed my lips with my mouth so full of questions
It's my worried mind that you quiet
Place your hands on my face
Close my eyes and say
Love is a poor man's food
Don't prophesize
I could hold you in my arms
I could hold you forever
And I could hold you in my arms
I could hold you forever

So now we see how it is
This fist begets the spear
Weapons of war
Symptoms of madness
Don't let your eyes refuse to see
Don't let your ears refuse to hear
Or you ain't never going to shake this sense of sadness
I could hold you in my arms
I could hold on forever
And I could hold you in my arms
I could hold forever 

Well their love it was long
It was gentle and strong
And for a while she forgot his sins
And she kissed him for love
She kissed him for luck

Ain't it clear when I'm near you
I'm just dying to hear you
Calling my name one more time
Oh so don't pay no mind
To my watering eyes
Must be something in the air
That I'm breathing
Yes'n I try to ignore
All this blood on the floor
It's just this heart on my sleeve that's a bleeding
Oh mama don't walk away
You leave me here bereaving from the words so hard and plain
Saying the love that we had
was just selfish and sad
To see you now with him
is just making me mad
Oh so kiss him again
just to prove to me that you can
an I will stand here
and burn in my skin
Yes I will stand here
and burn in my skin 

Forever my friend
Forever my love
Forever the woman that I'm thinking of
I just think if we keep our hearts together
Just think if we build on this trust that we have for one another
Baby we can make this last a lifetime

I lost all of my innocence
When I fell in love with you
I never knew a man fall so far until I landed here
Where all of my wounds turn into gold when I kissed your hair

Don't lose your faith in me
And I will try not to lose faith in you
Don't put your trust in walls
'Cause walls will only crush you when they fall

Be here now, here now
Be here now, here now 

Can I stay here with you till the morning
I am so far from home and i feel a little stoned
so can i stay here with you till the morning?
There's nothing i want more than to wake up on your floor
So lay with me in your thinnest dress
fill my heart with each caress
between your blissful kisses, whisper
darling, is this love?

So can I stay here with you, till the day breaks?
There's something you should know
I ain't got no place to go
So can I stay here with you, till the day breaks
How happy it would make me to see your face when I wake
So lay with me in your thinnest dress
Fill my heart with each caress
Between your blissful kisses, whisper
Darling, is this love?

So can I stay here with you till the nighttime
I've fallen sad inside and I need a place to hide
So can I stay, here with you, through the nighttime
I've fallen so sad it's true, now won't you take me to your room
Lay with me in your thinnest dress
fill my heart with each caress
between your blissful kisses, whisper
Darling is this love?

Whisper to me, is this love? 

It's been a long day, baby 
Things ain't been going my way 
And now i need you here 
To clear my mind all the time 

And baby 
The way you move me, it's crazy 
It's like you see right through me 
And make it easier 
Believe me, you don't even have to try 

Oh, because 
You are the best thing 
(you're the best thing) 
You are the best thing 
(you're the best thing, baby) 
You are the best thing 
(you're the best thing, oooh) 
Ever happened to me 

We've come a long way 
And baby 
You know i hope and i pray 
That you believe me 
When i say this love will never fade away 


Both of us had no love before 
(to come on promising like a spring to walk on out the door)? 
Our words are strong and our hearts are kind 
Let me tell you just exactly what's on my mind 

[chorus x2] 
You are the best thing 
(you're the best thing) 
You are the best thing 
(you're the best thing, baby) 
You are the best thing 
(you're the best thing, oooh) 
Ever happened to me 

There comes a time, a time in everyones life
Where nothin seems to go your way 
Where nothing seems to turn out right
There may come a time, you just cant seem to find your place
For every door you open, seems like you get two slammed in your face
Thats when you need someone, someone that you can call. 
And when all your faith is gone
Feels like you cant go on
Let it be me
Let it be me
If its a friend that you need
Let it be me
Let it be me 
Feels like you always commin up last
Pockets full of nothin, ain't got no cash
No matter where you turn, you aint got no place to stand
You reach out for something and they slap your hand
Now i remember all to well
Just how it feels to be all alone
You feel like you'd give anything
For just a little place you can call your own
Thats when you need someone, someone that you can call 
And when all your faith is gone
Feels like you cant go on
Let it be me
Let it be me
If its a friend you need
Let it be me
Let it be me 

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cheesecake for Breakfast

So today is proving to be a good day, this week has been pretty good so a far. Monday I spent an amazing night with my best friend, we went shopping and then got some dinner, we talked and had a grand ole' time. I just love and adore her and her amazing husband, they always make me happy.
Then yesterday I had a very good day at work, I was wearing a smashing outfit and I got a lot done. I came home took a nap, watched Tangled for the millionth time and made cookies. Cheesecake cookies. Pretty much the best cookies in the world. Then I went and saw a movie with another one of my dear friends. He is basically the nicest guy ever. I adore him.
So pretty sure I also love my imagination. It gave me a pretty sweet dream last night. I love that it creates beautiful men that I have never met. Last night it was this med height slender clean cut blonde boy with brown eyes. He had the most amazing smile.
So this morning I woke up with a smile on my face, I woke up late of course but I didn't let that bother me, well I never really let that bother me, but today I really didn't let it and I got ready, put on one of my favorite dresses, grabbed a bag of cheesecake cookies and drove to work singing to the radio at the top of my lungs.
So it has been proving to be a great day. And I have a feeling that it will continue that way. 

Sunday, April 3, 2011

Priesthood session

So I know that I didn't go and see Priesthood session, but my dad and brother came home and said it was amazing. They said that President Monson's Talk was amazing. So after the session today I went online and watched his talk. It was amazing! He is so cute and inspiring.

You can watch it HERE. 

Oh so very good. I loved all of the talks. What an amazing conference. Just want I needed to hear. I love the church so much. I am so grateful for it. 

Friday, April 1, 2011

Back and more Tidbits of word treasure

So I am back on Facebook. I was once told that to break a habit it took 13 days of dedication. So that was my goal with Facebook, to break a bad habit. I really don't need facebook and it was become too controlling. I have stripped it of it's power and it can be used for good again. I already had a wonderful conversation with one of my very very amazing friends that lives in New York. So anyway....I am still reading this book Finding Fish and it has proved to be uplifting and eye opening. I have learned a lot from it. It is a really sad book but it has so many good lessons in it. Just a few more things I wanted to share from it, Antwone is talking about this teacher that changed his life and her husband, "We became a family. And she shared Milton with us.....Milton Profit is an average-looking black man, not super handsome or dashing, but a true gentleman. And when he sees his wife, he looks at her as if seeing her beauty for the first time, like he can't believe he is so lucky as to be married to her. They hug and liss, two lovebirds. Not too much, but enough to show how much they cherish each other."

Sigh. I love that.

The author also talks a lot about his horrible foster family that abuse him in every way possible. But it is when they are boarding mentally ill adults that he realizes this bit of truth: "Anyone who demeans another person in word or deed demeans him or herself." 

How true is that? I have always looked at people who are rude and mean to others and think, "That just proves that you are the lesser person." 
So is so amazingly excited for conference? I AM! Best two days ever. Uplifting, inspiring and we always have good food. :)

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Rain and Happiness.

So for my work's Book Club we are reading this book called Finding Fish by Antwone Fisher. It has been really sad and kinda slow, but last night as I was reading I came across the most amazing passage that I knew I needed to share. Antwone writes, "Halfway home, the sky goes from dark gray to almost black and a loud thunder snap accompanies the first few raindrops that fall. Heavy, warm, big drops, they drench me in seconds, like an overturned bucket from the sky dumping just on my head. I reach my hands up and out, as if that can stop my getting wetter, and open my mouth, trying to swallow the downpour, till it finally hits me how funny it is, my trying to stop the rain. 
           This is so funny to me, I laugh and laugh, as loud and free as I want. Instead of hurrying to higher ground, i jump lower, down off the curb, splashing through the puddles, playing and laughing all the way home. In all my life till now, rain has meant staying inside and not being able to go out to play. But now for the first time I realize that rain doesn't have to be bad. And what's more, I understand, sadness doesn't have to be bad, either. Come to think of it, I figure you need sadness, just as you need the rain.
          Thoughts and ideas pour through my awareness. It feels to me that happiness is almost scary, like now I imagine being drunk might feel-really silly and not caring what anybody else says. Plus, that happy feeling always leaves so fast, and you know it's going to go before it even does. Sadness lasts longer, making it more familiar, and comfortable. But maybe, I wonder, there's a way to find some happiness in the sadness. After all, it's like the rain, something you can't avoid. And so, it seems to me, if you're caught in it, you might as well try to make the best of it. 
           Getting caught in the warm, wet deluge that particular day in that terrible summer full of wars and fires that made no sense was a wonderful thing to happen. It taught me to understand rain, not to dread it. There were going to be days, I knew, when it would pour without warning, days when I'd find myself without an umbrella. But my understanding would act as my all-purpose slicker and rubber boots. It was preparing me for stormy weather, arming me with the knowledge that no matter how hard it seemed, it couldn't rain forever. At some point, I knew, it would come to an end."

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Who would you invite? Day 3

So today I conducted my own little social experiment. I asked a bunch of people this questions, "If you could have lunch with any 6 people, alive or dead, who would you want to have lunch with?" I loved listening to people's answers! Almost everyone chose Jesus Christ. I should have prefaced that he was pretty much a given. There were a lot of religious figures: People from the Book of Mormon, like Nephi, Sam, Captain Moroni, some from the Bible, Peter, Stephen and Moses. Latter day religious figures like, Elder Holland, Julie B. Beck and the person almost every one chose, Joseph Smith. Emma Smith was a chose a lot too, but only one person chose both of them together. I think I would love to see their interaction with each other.
After the religious figures there were Politicians and historical figures: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Martin Luther King, Mother Teresa, Da Vinci, Alfred Nobel, Einstein, the Dalai Lama.
There were writers and musicians: Shakespeare, Sergei Rachmaninoff, Mozart.
Then there were the people that really told a lot about the person choosing them, the athletes: Shoe-less Joe Jackson, Willy Mays, Hank Aaron (All three of those were my little brothers,), Babe Ruth, Patrick Roy and Alex Ovechkin (Both Hockey Players).
The icons: Audrey Hepburn, Coco Chanel, Agnes De Mille, Brad Pitt, Dana White, Ricky Martin, Christopher Nolan, Obama.
Then you had the most telling, the personal: The Grandparents, The Fathers, the sister in her non-handicap state, the Father-in-Law that died before they met.
Then two of my favorite answers: The husband and the fiancĂ©e. Even though they see them almost everyday. They would want them there to have lunch with them and the share that experience.

It was the most amazing day as I got to know the people I care most about a little better.

Mine would be.......
My Grandmothers,
Joan and Madge.

John the Beloved, He has been around forever! What stories he could tell!

I would also like C.S. Lewis to be there.

And Audrey Hepburn

And Dieter F. Uchtdorf
Cary Grant, Depending on their Schedules ;)

Wouldn't that be a great lunch? What would we talk about? How would they interact with each other? What would each person want to eat? I don't know if I would even talk, I could just sit back and listen and watch them talk to each other. It would be amazing. 

Who would you want to come to your lunch? What would you ask them?