Tuesday, August 23, 2011


So here is the situation with Handsome Ben.
We have texted back and forth. All very positive. He came to a banquet we had for our volunteers. That was last tuesday, the 16th. The last time we texted was on thursday. I had a stake activity that I invited him to but he couldn't come because he was working until late. So on sunday, I texted him asking how his weekend had been. Nothing. Then I texted him today asking if he had had lunch yet and if he wanted to come to JCW's. Nothing. So I don't know what happened. So I am taking a poll.



  1. Ben is dumb. You can date my brother. :)

  2. I feel like I need to defend Ben, because he really is awesome, really nice and thoughtful. Just ask my mom or Brittany. I just don't know what happened, *Sigh* every single time. But Maridy set me up! Ha ha ha I have been on a million blind dates, what's a million and one? :)

  3. Oh sweetie, I am so sorry! I really hope that he is superman or that his phone is broken! I hope he calls or texts you back! I Love you tons! You are so amazing!

  4. See: http://lifeofkayleigh.blogspot.com/2011/05/taste-of-my-own-medicine-annoyance.html

    From my dating experience, just wait for him to talk to you. If he doesn't, it's his loss... You are an amazing person! I'm like you, I assume the worst :/

    Ps - I miss you!
