Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cheesecake for Breakfast

So today is proving to be a good day, this week has been pretty good so a far. Monday I spent an amazing night with my best friend, we went shopping and then got some dinner, we talked and had a grand ole' time. I just love and adore her and her amazing husband, they always make me happy.
Then yesterday I had a very good day at work, I was wearing a smashing outfit and I got a lot done. I came home took a nap, watched Tangled for the millionth time and made cookies. Cheesecake cookies. Pretty much the best cookies in the world. Then I went and saw a movie with another one of my dear friends. He is basically the nicest guy ever. I adore him.
So pretty sure I also love my imagination. It gave me a pretty sweet dream last night. I love that it creates beautiful men that I have never met. Last night it was this med height slender clean cut blonde boy with brown eyes. He had the most amazing smile.
So this morning I woke up with a smile on my face, I woke up late of course but I didn't let that bother me, well I never really let that bother me, but today I really didn't let it and I got ready, put on one of my favorite dresses, grabbed a bag of cheesecake cookies and drove to work singing to the radio at the top of my lungs.
So it has been proving to be a great day. And I have a feeling that it will continue that way. 

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