Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The tale of the Curtains

So since it has been getting colder, the leaves on the tree outside my window have fallen all off. Therefore I decided it was time to get some curtains, you know so I didn't flash anyone or something like that. I can pretty much get away with no curtains in the summer. So this is the tale of Leah trying to make curtains. First I went to wal-mart, ok well I was all ready there, and I passed the fabric, and I thought to myself and said to Sarah. I need curtains. So we looked and found this pretty great sheerish, gray stuff. I got enough to double layer it. Then proceeded to buy it and take it home. I then got home and set out to make my wonderful curtains. I cut and I sewed and I sewed some more, very crookedly I might add. I went to the store and also got curtain rods. Then I went home and put up my wonderful new curtains. But later that night mom and dad came home and said, "so I see you put up new curtains". "Yes" I replied. "You know you can see everything through them, every poster on your wall, EVERYTHING." So failed I did with my curtains, what good are they if you can see through them? So that night I made sure to change out of sight of the window. The next day I was determined to do it right. I went to a real fabric store and picked out some pretty purple fabric, that was HALF OFF! I know right! For me, amazing! I actually look at the price. Any way I got 4 yards, and made sure it was not sheerish at all. Then I went home and cut and I sewed and I sewed some more, very crookedly I might add. The I was finished! And here they are! I put both of them up and they have a very nice effect. The End


  1. Ok, wow.. I REALLY love that fabric!

  2. I know! It is way pretty! It doesn't quite match my carpet but it is as close as I could get.
