Saturday, April 3, 2010


So I went Feather Head Band Crazy...we were watching the 10 commandments on TV, which is like seven million hours long, so I made some more head bands....Here they are!

My beautiful model is my sister Bee, and I modeled some of them too. So why did I make these? Normally I make headbands for fundraisers, presents, and auctions...but I have decided to sell older sister April, who I started making these for for Christmas, has had some friends request I am selling them! I am not sure of the prices yet, I am thinking $5 for the small ones and $10-12 for the bigger ones, and like $15 for the really fancy ones (like the white metal one). So if you want one let me know! Email me at would be great for prom...and they are so cute to wear with anything!


  1. PRETTY!! You should open an Etsy shop up!!

    Also, can I share one suggestion? I'd suggest cutting the little O off of the headbands that have charms or jewelry pieces to them. You should just be able to do it with a pair of pliers!

  2. Ha ha ha Thanks! My mom said that too...and it is done and done! They look a bunch better without the little 0's
