Sunday, November 28, 2010

23 years of Life

The last twenty-three years....I was born, I have learned to read, write, compute and calculate. I have learned that you do not put toothpaste on your chicken pox (even if it does make them stop itching), I have learned to play and ride a bike. I have broken an arm as a result of riding a bike. I have learned what is a good friend and what is a bad. I have learned to cook and clean. I have been baptized into the true church of Jesus Christ and later learned what that meant and gained an everlasting testimony. I have been thoroughly embarrassed, deeply hurt, betrayed, heartbroken, and loved. I have had my breath taken away, astounded, inspired, horrified and enraged. I have learned to dance (ish), sing, and act. I have been scared out of my mind, cried myself to sleep, learned with it means to love. I have learned what it means to trust the Lord, to finish what I start, to be independent. I was once grounded. I have kissed 3 boys, yes they were boys at the time (2 of them I still believe are). I have gained amazing friends and formed some unlikely friendships that I will cherish forever. I have had 4 birthdays on Thanksgiving. I learned to drive and then learned again to drive in the snow. I have experienced the loss of two Brother Friends, and the loss of three Grandparents. I have competed and performed. Failed and triumphed.  I have learned what beauty is.  I have grown up. A lot has happened in 23 years. I hope the next years of my life can be just as wonderful.

I want to marry the man of my dreams and best friend. 
Have wonderful children. Some of my own and some adopted. 
Save someones life. 
Start my own NPO. Working with children here and in third world countries.
Serve in whatever calling I am called to in the church with Honor. 

There are other things and I am sure I will do them on the journey, and learn a lot more. I want to make the most of the next 23 years of my life. 

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