Sunday, September 26, 2010

I am just throwing this out there....

But if you are in a relationship or a potential relationship, facebook is not a good way to communicate. Friends fine, but if you are hoping for something more from this person why don't we try something real? Call them up on the phone, I assume you have their phone number, a finger and a voice. Or better yet talk to them face to face. Honestly what is happening to our generation? Every one is so impersonal and a bunch of pansy's. Just saying.

Oh a different note: I am dying my hair. I have major roots, it just looks like my hair is greasy all of the time.
And who is excited for Harry Potter? Me. Me. Me. I was talking to a friend at church today, he just got engaged and we were talking about the up coming wedding. I asked when the date was and he said Nov. 19th, and I immediately responded with, "You know that is the day Harry Potter comes out."  Wow. Obsessed. And Very Sad.


  1. AMEN LEAH! to all of it, facebook is over rated and harry potter is the all time best thing that ever happened in my life

  2. I agree 100%. Guys have lost their balls (not literally) and it's annoying that they won't talk to girls on the phone or in person.

  3. hahahaha i love it! good luck with the hair coloring. can't wait to spend some time with you in a couple of weeks woohoo!
